Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Welcome To C# In Afrikaans

Welcome :-)

In this blog I will write all about C# and the .Net framework, including: Tutorials, classes, tools, new fun technology etc.

The only thing that make this difference from any other .Net related blog is that I'm writing it in Afrikaans my home language here in sunny South Africa!

Explanations will be given in Afrikaans, terms will be in Afrikaans with the English term between brackets else if I can't find the Afrikaans term (the IT world is English anyway!) then it will show the English term in italic font. Programs will also be in English for example: variables, class names etc but the comments will be in Afrikaans.

About me:

I'm 25 years old, live in Fishhoek in South Africa, Cape Town. I'm a software developer using both .Net and Java for MWEB

Now lets continue speaking in Afrikaans.